Tuesday, May 25, 2010



当时,我心想, 没关系, 我们一定还有机会拍这摩天轮. 可是,前几天, 我发现摩天轮消失了! 噢! 原来,入不符支,所以壮士断臂,把它给拆了! 我突然觉得好可惜,我的夜景,还缺这摩天轮! 有些事情,真的是在失去的时候,才醒觉, “原来,它在的时候是那么好!”


陳奕迅 幸福摩天輪

1 comment:

  1. Now only you realise??!?!?!?!
    The owner unable to get cheap rental from CPP and unable to continue, plus the 摩天轮 built too small and not everyone in Perth or tourist got excited to spent money on that and therefore they have decided to removed on early May 2010....
    Chance for you to take the picture is almost 30% as I believe you will have to wait for another 20-30 years only they might think to rebuild or NOT......珍惜现在,把握未来,过去让它过去,让美好回忆永铭记于它心。。。。
