Monday, March 19, 2012


著名的心理学家也是我心目中的大师荣格说:You have to feel, in order to heal.翻成中文是:你必须去感受,才能够得到疗愈。和你的伤痛面对面的坐着,不要害怕,就是这样看着它,感受它在你身体里攒动,心口的抽动或是腹部的痉挛、肩膀的紧缩,就是这样和它们共处于当下。看它们会停留多久。



Sunday, March 4, 2012

Broken hearts

I am overflooded with so many broken hearts and news recently. I do feel people and friends around me are so lack of loves. Yes! LOVES. I can feel that everybody are so hunger for LOVES, including myself.

My Lord, I am praying everyday for this poor kid, who is lack of LOVES on his journey of how he brought up. I could see how hunger he is for the homely LOVES. How much of hurt has been created on him, but yet he is still staying positive and be responsible to face all thorns in his life. My Lord, can you see his thankful heart?

Please Lord, save him! I know miracle would only happen on your hands. Please create the Miracle, save him and touch him with your mercy LOVES. Please heal the broken hearts and fill it with your greatest LOVES.

Lord, I hold strong faith and i am not giving up! Please grant me the power to break through. Please honour us the miracle! In Jesus's name, Amen

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For eveyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the open who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7: 7-8)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How beautiful is this song and I will keep this in my heart, forever......

No matter it is good or bad, Thank you Lord. I love you. Amen.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

今天是特别的日子,因记。 上帝为我把门打开,让我看见蓝天白云,而爱在这蓝天白云里成长。 “你的等待,让我存在;我的存在,只因有你”。

我从前在爱里的失败 也慢慢释怀
我害怕一个人在等待 更害怕受伤害
直到你灌溉了你的爱 把我的心敞开
You and I
You're the rhythm of my life
听着爱的节拍 有你的未来

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ending in Life

Sermon from Tim Healy this week was absolutely wonderful. The theme is Ending. There are 3 kinds of Ending in life:-
(1) Decided endings: those that you initiate. There are crucial factors linked to decided endings, such as fear, doubt, procrastination, sentimental attachement and etc. We need to have realisation of the need of change and develop sense of urgency to make such changes. For example, quitting bad habits, end a relationship which you think is not right.

When i heard about this, i realized that i did not do this well, especially in my past. I think I put too much of emotions and fear when i came to decide an end for something. I am so lucky that i learned this today because i still have another 2/3 of my life to do it better.

(2) Dictated endings: Those that other initiates. This kind of end happened without our choice. It is an unexpected ending. We cannot avoid this happen, but we can choose how we response to it. When things happened out of our hands, instead of hold it back, we should really accept it, embrace it and work with it.

Roman 8:28- We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him those whom he has called according to his purpose.

Therefore, when this kind of "end" happened to you, please stay strong and get over it. I always believe everything happened for a reason. Hold your faith and work with it.

(3) Divine endings: those that God initiates

Heb 10:19- He takes away the first so that he may establish the second "for his purpose".

When i was losing something good of mine, a relationship and friendship, I pondered why all these happened. I questioned. I doubt. I felt sad and tear. But, God knows before we asked from him. He lead me and keep telling me that "dun worry, you will be fine."

Today, when i was sitting in the auditorium listening to this sermon, i was touched. God is really great. He took away good things of mine and give me a greater one. Thank you Lord! In this moment, I have to thank You sincerely, "Thanks for the loves, joy and peace. Thanks for sending angels and thanks for sending the precious one to me."

Happiness can be simple as such, but it brings the joy in heart and it puts that smile on my face everyday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


11.11.11 “一生一世,一心一意,一你一我” 很美,很特别的日子,特别的我给特别的你;特别的我给特别的你。那么多的特别!祝福你们 (大爱)

今晚有ALin的 《PS 我爱你》

我想要成為你的眼 把最美的風景 收進你的心中 我想要成為你的手 好讓我 從現在到以後 佔有你溫柔 一刻不放過 恨不得把明天沒收 讓你永遠不會變動 專注的愛著我 我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後 有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受 我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空 只要你記得 我們那麼愛過 我要替你收集笑容 怕未來 快樂變得貴重 要是少了我 你有多寂寞 恨不得把明天沒收 讓你永遠不會變動 轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網 專注的愛著我 我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後 有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受 我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空 只要你記得 我們那麼愛過 太陽不會放棄天空 哪怕你不再屬於我 我會在不同的窗口 給你擁抱 我愛你沒有保留 我愛你就到最後 有些人值得等候 有些悲傷值得忍受 我愛你不是衝動 生命盡頭反正一場空 只要你記得 我們那麼愛過 我忘不掉 你第一次吻我

Friday, November 4, 2011







于讨厌或憎恨我的人,“对不起”,请原谅我; 于爱我无微不至的人,谢谢你们爱我的每一个人,“我爱你”