Agape refers to divine love or unconditional love.Therefore, if anyone attaches conditions or reasons to why he or she loves you, then agape, unconditional love, has ceased. If someone uses the words “if,” “when,” or “because” when they say that they love you, this is not an unconditional perspective. Wherever there is a reason, there is a condition. Wherever there is a condition, there is expectation.Disappointment leads to division.
Friday, July 30, 2010
#1,116 Days: 无言
突然, 他指着我说:" 不要一直说别人, 说说你吧!"
我看着他, 无言..
往事有如云烟, 烟消云散的时候, 就让它随风飘去......
再回顾, 心冷;
再回顾, 心颤;
再回顾, 心僵;
再回顾, 心死!
四回顾,有如陌路人...人生啊!就是如此, 无数的过客. 过客啊,过客!
Monday, July 26, 2010
#1,120 days: Aftershock
在戏里,母亲说的一句话令我印象深刻:"没有了才知道真的没有了". 当没有失去,没有悲伤,没落泪的时候,我们不能体会“没有”那烙印的痛,也不知道原来“现在这样已经很幸福了!”
前些日子的功课是“耐心”。 最近,上帝似乎要教导我“惜福”,只因他不断地让我觉得自己的生活充满着爱。对!现在这样我已经觉得很幸福了!:)
Chapter 1:Patience “耐心”
Chapter 2: Appreciate “惜福”
Sunday, July 25, 2010
#1,122 days: My Son, Javkhaa :-D
I have a 2 years old son now. His name is Javkhaa. Very very cute. I contribute a little every month, not a big money, but I do hope that it helps him to improve his life a little bit.
When you wish to be loved, you need to take the first move to love people. Life without love is emptiness; Fill your life up with love, all kinds of LOVE. I know many who like to complaint about their life. About financial, betray, selfishness, lack of love and etc. Thus, some of them told me how struggle they are in their life. However, I think all these are nothing compared to people who struggles to have BASIC needs of their life, such as food, water, home and etc. Some little kids do not have chance to have education. Living in such a "hope for help" environment, they dun even dare to have desire. How sad :(
Compared to people like them, God has given us a very good life. We should be grateful to have such life and should live without complain. Take your first move to love people, you may start to feel the inner happiness which can never be satisfied by materials. I APPRECIATE from the bottom of my heart.
Inspiration given from seeing my little Javkhaa:
- APPRECIATE what I have now. This is fruit from God and who knows it may disappears tomorrow;
- Learn to LOVE. Share my love where necessary, to whom needs help.
My dear Lord, may wish you take care of people who needs your love, do take care of my little Javkhaa too. I hope he can grows up happily with your blessing.
God bless
Thursday, July 22, 2010
除了支体上的无奈,心里还惦记着最爱的子女受委屈. 每每听见妈妈传达至亲的所思所想,我总替他觉得心疼!我好想帮他解决他所有的困难,可是我的能力那么的薄弱,我只能耐心的陪他聊天,和为他们家祷告,愿全能的上帝施于无限的祝福.
不要因暂时的失意或失败而高举你的白旗. 永远不要!不轻言放弃, 特别是你的人生.要坚持,要相信!我相信我的信仰,所以除了尽所有的力量把事情做好,结果交给上帝! 他会把最适合的安排给我.
我的同事对我说他也不断地祷告能够得到新的工作,他说他对上帝这样说:" Please open a door for me, but if it is not my door, please shut it for me". 我问他为什么呢?他说他年纪不小了,不想再做错误的选择.他情愿耐心等待,也不愿冲动地选择非他之物.
所以,如果在读这篇的读者,我希望引用我同事的一句话,上帝把你那扇门关上,因那不是属于你的门; 他一定会为你开另一扇,一扇属于你的门,请你耐心等待. 在等待的同时,也要好好享受你的每一天;无论是酸的,甜的,苦的,辣的.都要惜福,因为你留在世上的每一天都是福气,上帝给你的福气.
当然,若你因读我小小的分享,而感觉到上帝的爱,请让我知道,我会很开心.因为你将会是大人传福音的处女作. 我开工了!福音工(大笑)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
#1,125 days: Medical check up
There was a guy sitting opposite to me in the waiting hall. He came in later than me. While we were waiting, i could feel he started to lose his patience every 5 mins of waiting for his turn. I am so glad that I did not feel frustrating or unhappy at all though people who came in later than me have the priority to see their doctor. Thanks God for the good training provided to build up my patience level.
I was anxious when the assistant told me that she was going to take my urine for drug and ALCOHOL test. As soon as i heard ALCOHOL test, i am stressed and asked :"How many glasses per week will fail this test?" The assistant smiles and said :"You will be fine if you did not drink within 24 hrs before this test". (phew!~ all tense gone :-P)
How can I cut down in drinking while colleagues and close friends are all good drinkers? Well, I can only say is daddy's fault. Drinking habit inherited from Daddy. LoL
Besides that, the assistant said she supposes to watch me "pee". I was shocked and shown her a reluctant face. Then, she said :"is ok. Half close the door and you do it behind." many funny incidents today.
Well, thanks God once again for everything ran smooth. :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
#1,132 days: Take a Break
大人,我只给你懊恼五分钟!你只有五分钟的机会。。懊恼!懊恼!懊恼!懊恼!!!!!!! (笑)
#1,133 days: 忍
有几度, 不耐烦的语气与表情几乎忍不住显露出来,都让我憋住了!大人,你太棒了!给你加分。。;)
大人啊!你知道吗?“好”的东西都需要耐心等待。 报表用心才不会出错;找工作,急不来,好物沉底;做好事,从心而发,也应该好好安排。急不了!急不了!
今天红十字会的人在挂电的时候,不断地说:"Thank you very much! We appreciate your time to speak to us and we are very happy for you to join us as a new donor". 我看不见她的样子,可是感觉到她说谢谢的诚意。我突然庆幸我没有向她表现的不耐烦,而且很有礼貌的回她 :"Yes. I think is a good thing to donate my blood for people who needs it. Thank you"
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
#1,137 Days: Mattress
How to check whether it is suitable for you?
[When you lie down at your back or side on your bed, check whether there is arch between your body and mattress. If there is, that's meant your mattress cannot provides full support to your body.]
Well, I am lucky. The cheaper mattress suits me better than the mattress with higher price. haha
Do you have a good mattress? Check it out!
Friday, July 9, 2010
#1,138 Days: Full of LOVE
Thursday, July 8, 2010
其实我可以答:“回到过去,抓紧投机的关键时刻另自己变成小富婆”;可是,我却没有这样写,或许,这并不是我最想要的。过去或许有太多令我值得反省的教材,我不想去改变自己的过去; 有着过去,才能令我更珍惜未来;我在我的过去中成长。
我有一友,她很幸运地认识了他现在的丈夫,育有三个小孩,在她的世界里,所有的事情都是那么的理所当然,那么的得心应手。她不知道,她的幸福是多么的“可贵”,因为当我告诉她我羡慕她能有三个宝宝,她却不认同那是值得羡慕的事情。 她问我道:“你有心痒痒要结交新男友吗?”我回说:“这一刻,我不想!”她却用很怀疑的口吻问我:“真的吗?”我沉默。
我想,我现在的心情与想法,并不是三言两语可以令人了解。对没有身经厉练的人,更是摸不清我的底子!我享受现在这样子。没有压力,没有负担,只有一心一意的往目标走;不再往混水里打滚。 要再重新去认识一个陌生人,甜蜜,争吵,了解,适应,迁就,让步,忍,再互相建立信心,那是非常难挨的过程。我不想!更不想再去经历那感情失败的创伤,那休复的过程真的好难熬!
我在朋友那里听说了这样的一句话:“过去的不能回头,未来的一起绸缪”; 非常有意义。我不晓得我的未来会如何,可是我不想轻言放弃;不放弃我们那多年的感情,是“爱”也好;是“感情”也好;是“习惯”也好;是什么都好,不轻言放弃!
#1,139 Days: Recruitment Agent
It is raining cats and dogs here and weather forecast stated that we gonna have thunderstorm in this evening. I am worried now. Why all these happened on today? :(
"My dear Lord, please help me! I pray that the journey to meet this recruitment agent will be smooth and i will be safe to drive in heavy rain. Lord, I pray that this recruitment agent can help me in my job search. I pray that she can refers me a very good position which i am looking for. In Jesus's name. Amen"
Quote from pastor Jaeson Ma: "When things get frustrating, they don’t go your way, you lose your patience, figure out a way to re direct your frustration to something positive and friendly …. turn negatives into positives!"
Cool..I feel better now..:)
God Bless
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
#1,140 days: Message to Mother
"My dearest Mummy, how are you doing this week? Think of you in the middle of work. Miss you! I baby sit Stella over the weekend. Realized that it is not easy to take care of kids. Mum..You are so great! Love you always!"
I never expressed my strong feeling towards my family like this before. I started to do it recently. Started to tell them how much I miss them. Started to tell them how much I love them. I did even give a big hug and kiss to my mum when I left home. I tell ya. That's the warmest hug I had. It is not simply a hug of my body, but my heart too.
"You never tell, they never know". For those who is reading my blog, if you never tell your parent that you love them. Please do it now! Life is too short to have regret for not telling your parent at least ONCE that you love them very much too.
Daddy and Mummy, I LOVE YOU!! God bless :D
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Weekend was too short
I love family time now. Oh perhaps we enjoy family time when we grow. Yes I admit it! I think i need a family now.